Support independent games on Linux

If you like Linux and you like games, then you should head over and check out the Humble Indie Bundle #2!

It’s a collection of five games:

  • Braid, innovative and award winning, and previously Xbox only.
  • Cortex Command, a sort of resource extraction + action game, featuring disembodied brains.
  • Machinarium, a point and click brain teaser game, with great artwork.
  • Osmos, where you float around absorbing other blobs, with an awesome ambient sound track.
  • Revenge of the Titans, a resource extraction and base building game, think Command & Conquer for the ADHD generation.

What makes it really stand out is they all support Linux, they are all DRM free, and you can choose how much you want to pay.

To top it of some of the money goes to Child’s Play and the EFF. And don’t worry, giving money to the EFF doesn’t make you an enemy combatant .. yet.

They also have data on how much people are paying for the bundle, which is quite interesting. Currently the average amount paid by Windows users is $6.07, Mac users $8.23, and Linux users $13.68. So despite being a band of unwashed hippy communists, it seems Linux users are more generous when it comes to opening their wallets.

ps. Depending on your graphics chip & driver you may need to apt-get install driconf and enable S3TC texture compression to get Braid working, see this bug.

Posted by mike on Thursday December 16th, 2010, tagged with ,

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