

Taken from right about here looking West.

Posted by mike on Saturday February 24th, 2007, tagged with , , | comments disabled

Be and join my crow?

Ben and Jo

So they’ve actually left us, the bastards. All that talk about blah de blah blah Micronesia blah de blah was actually for real, not just some bullshit. Who would have thought they’d actually do it, seriously out of character.

Anyway, not that I’m bitter cough tropical paradise cough, at least they have a blog that they’re keeping nicely updated, better than mine I might say.

Check it out sometime: benandjoinmicro.blogspot.com

Hang on, it’s just another way to rub in the fact that they’re living on Gilligan’s island and I’m not!

Posted by mike on Wednesday February 14th, 2007, tagged with | comments disabled

Mmmm, fonts

This post isn’t going to make much sense to a lot of you .. But when you spend most of your day staring at source code, having a really nice font can make a big difference. It needs to be readable, to save your eyes, it needs to have unambiguous characters, 1 vs l vs | etc., and it needs to look nice.

Today I decided I needed a new font, and in the process stumbled across the very cool Monospace/Fixed Width Programmer’s Fonts page.

I quite like Monaco, and Anonymous is nice too. They’re monospace, but they don’t look quite as old skool as your usual monospace font.

Linux types just need to download the .ttf files and drop them in ~/.fonts.

Ok back to work now!

Posted by mike on Wednesday February 14th, 2007, tagged with , | comments disabled


So I’ve known for a while that decibels are the way you measure noise, at least I think that’s what the Police officer was telling me as I tried to turn down my guitar amp all those years ago.

Anyway, I just stumbled across this really nice table, which lists decibel levels and correlates them with things that you can relate to. For example, apparently 20db is the sound of a whisper, whereas 115db is loud rock music, 60db is a noisy office etc.

Posted by mike on Tuesday February 6th, 2007, tagged with | comments disabled


Haven’t blogged much lately, to say the least. Been pretty busy with Christmas, Woodford, work, LCA, more work, Tool, more work etc.

I’ve got a bunch of photos to post from various things though so I’ll try to get on it soon! Stop ya whinging!

Posted by mike on Thursday February 1st, 2007 | comments disabled