A Sunny Escape

Back in August when it was still chilly in the ‘berra, we headed up north for a few days in South West Rocks. It’s a beautiful area and it was nice to finally get to see what’s there after flying past the turn off so many times on the way to Woodford. But the main reason for the visit, besides the beautiful scenery and perfect weather, was to catch up with my grandparents, Grandma and Poppa (alias Pam and Don), who were holidaying there from the Adelaide Hills.

It was great to get to spend such a relaxed time together in such a beautiful setting. We got the guided tour of the local area including the historic gaol, lighthouse, and all the good places to eat! And they even let us win at cards, what more could you ask for! We happily whiled away an hour watching some migrating whales frolicking beyond the headland, before we headed down to the nearby beach where Mike set about freeing the driftwood. We even got a chance to case out some nice camping spots for any future trips up that way.

Finally, very deserving of a mention is Mike’s early morning effort to photograph the speccy sunrise from the headland. He is now a proud member of the South West Rocks Sunrise Appreciation Club founded by Grandma. No wonder he’s the favourite!

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Posted by meg on Monday November 1st, 2010

One response to “A Sunny Escape”

  1. Pam & Don says:

    Terrific photos, particularly the Sunsets over the MacLeay River.
    Have a great Christmas. Are you going to Woodford?