Riding with Emmy

Back in August Emmy came to visit us from Germany! Actually she came to see everyone, and look after some Dingoes, but we like to think she came just to see us 🙂

We didn’t have time to plan any trips away which would have been fun, but we still had a nice time showing her the sights of Canberra, and of course the best way to see Canberra is by bike!

Actually we started by going to the farmers’ market (not by bike) and getting some things for a picnic. We also stopped at Tilley’s on the way past for a coffee, Emmy likes coffee quite a lot.

Then we rode around the lake, and eventually to the Carillion, where we had a giant picnic and all ate too much. Afterward we rode to Kingston, for another coffee, und kuchen natürlich, and eventually back home.

It was a really nice day for August and a lovely ride, and really nice to hang out with Emmy and show her around. We just need to do the ride ten more times to make up for all the food we ate!

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Posted by mike on Wednesday October 27th, 2010

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