Kitchen Reno

Back in the depths of winter, when it was too wet or cold to do anything much, we did a bit of a kitchen reno.

We realised that having the fridge in the middle of the kitchen was really cluttering the space, mucking up the fung schway you might say.

So we moved the fridge into the corner, where it can be all big and sticky-outy without causing so much trouble. That left a gap where the fridge used to be.

Of course the gap is 89.5cm wide, which you’ll be surprised to hear is not a standard size for kitchen cabinets or other furniture.

After a bit of looking around, and a tip from Dave, we decided shelves might be a good option, because we could make them just the right size. So that’s what we did.

There was a bit of bashing and bolting from me, and then lots of sanding by Meg while I had the flu, and voila nice new shelves.

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Posted by mike on Thursday October 14th, 2010

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