Pumpkin time capsule

So it seems I’m nearly 6 months behind writing blog entries, which pretty much sums up my state of organisation these days.

But anyway, back in May we went to the Collector pumpkin festival, they had giant pumpkins and donuts and bratwurst and all the good things, including quilts.

We drove up in Meg’s mum’s new car which was cool, and on the way back we could see the wind turbines across Lake George. You can always see them I guess, but it seems I’m normally driving so I’ve never really had a good look at them.

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Posted by mike on Wednesday October 13th, 2010

One response to “Pumpkin time capsule”

  1. TokenLefty says:

    Apparently Tarago (where the wind farm is) has one of the best wind resources in Australia. But wait, where is the big gas plant to back these things up? 🙂