Slip Sliding Away

Update: It’s warming up!

Every day should start like this.

There was a freezing rain alert last night, quite the chaos.

Things were pretty nuts on the roads, cars sliding around on the ice everywhere. Despite the alert we decided to head downtown to check out some crazy xmas light action. On the way back we struggled to get over one overpass, the incline and a big patch of ice meant we had 0 traction – but we got up eventually.

A lot of people weren’t so lucky, with nearly 170 prangs overnight and this morning.

We saw a 4WD which had hit the guard rail hard, it might even have rolled given the huge dent in the roof – although the occupants seemed ok. There were numerous other minor bingles, four cars parked perpendicular to the traffic just near the hotel, and Ambulances flying ’round all night. Nuts nuts nuts.

Posted by mike on Thursday December 8th, 2005, tagged with ,

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