Round up

Been lazy lately, and busy I guess, so haven’t been keeping the blog updated as I should!

I guess last week was inevitably going to be a bit lack lustre given that I was just doing the same old, in cold rainy Canberra, rather than being elsewhere. Time to get skiing I think, at least make the most of the cold.

Costa Blanca, SpainSome brave soul climbing Tai Chi, ~21 (??), above Calpe.

Annnnnyway. Had a quiet weekend, bike riding and bouldering on Saturday while the sun (sort of) shone.

Yesterday Tom and I headed up to Fish(ing/erman’s) gap in the Tidbinbilla valley. It was a pleasent stroll, beautiful sunny weather, and an amazing view down to Canberra which was still cloaked in low cloud. Unfortunately my camera wasn’t happy so I didn’t get any shots.

Popped down to Trinity and then Dickson Asian Noodle House for dinner after, with Tom and Catherine. Trinity was lively for a Sunday night, a bunch of people, even a DJ, but we were still able to get a couch which was nice.

ANU wall’s open again! Tour de France is on! Alli’s back soon (I think)! (we’d better clean the kitchen!)

Posted by mike on Monday July 4th, 2005

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