Mt Majura

Yesterday evening I decided I needed some exercise so I tried to ride up Mt Majura. Having never been up there before I just sort of headed .. up. Turns out the track is rather direct, ie. it goes straight up the hill for about 2 kms at a 30 degree angle. I got maybe 500m up in 1st gear before I hit a big rock and stopped, and as soon as you lose momentum you’re stuffed.

After a fair bit of walking I got to the top, which was worth it. Great views, especially east towards the coast.

I fanged down the bitumen, foolishly thinking it would take me towards Hackett or Downer. But of course the road comes out on Majura Rd, out behind the airport. So I then had about a 10km ride along the highway back home, which was daunting at first but was actually quite pleasant.

Then I popped back home for a quick shower before riding over to All Bar for some pints with Catherine, Ben and Tom.

Posted by mike on Monday February 7th, 2005, tagged with , ,

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