Cat Empire

Last night the Cat Empire returned to ANU refectory. I saw them at the ANU earlier in the year, and a couple of times at Woodford, all of which were awesome gigs. Despite that, I was kind of prepared for them to be not as good this time, basically just ’cause the novelty’s warn off.

But it turns out they don’t need no stinken novelty, they were fully sick. Pretty much every song had a long drawn out bridge, which often evolved into a completely different song before coming back to the original melody. But they always kept the crowd going along with them.

After about 2 1/2 hours they finally let us stop dancing and we all stumbled to the pub to recover. Let’s hope we’ll see them at Woodford again this year, although I fear they might have become too popular.

Posted by mike on Thursday October 21st, 2004, tagged with

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