Over summer we had some new soil that we weren’t ready to plant in, so we grabbed some pumpkins that had come up in the compost and planted a few. Despite it being 40° and not raining for two months, we still got some pumpkins!

And one day riding home there were some amazing clouds, so I snapped a shot of them too. It didn’t even rain!

Posted by mike on Friday May 8th, 2009, tagged with photos | comments disabled
Also back in the depths of time, I guess it must have been March, we saw The Music at the ANU refec.

Not any old music, The Music. I don’t think I have ever seen anyone rock the ANU so hard, those guys are just insane. They’re technially a four piece, but for many of the songs the singer doesn’t play guitar, so it’s just one guitar – but my god the sound is so thick you’d think it’s 20. Incredible. And so damn loud, awesome.
Posted by mike on Friday May 8th, 2009, tagged with music, plugs | comments disabled
Waaaay back in February, when it was scorching hot, remember that, we went and saw Ani DiFranco at the Canberra Theatre. If you missed it, well, I hope you had a good excuse – like a broken foot 🙂

She was absolutely awesome, as you’d expect, but even a bit more awesome than last time I thought. She just seemed more relaxed, and happy, and she was obviously still a bit stoked about Obama getting up. She brought a band too, which was different, and they were also great, not just backing, they really played as a band.
Excellent gig!
Posted by mike on Friday May 8th, 2009, tagged with music, plugs | 1 comment
On the Sunday and Monday of the Bluies trip we headed to Dam Cliffs for some beginner climbing action. I’d never been there, and was pretty gob smacked by how awesome it is. It’s not far from Mt Wilson, the walk in is only 10 or so minutes, there’s heaps of climbs packed in a small spot – many top ropable, and there’s a little creek running through the middle for scenery!
We didn’t have a guide book, so it was a little hit and miss. We climbed a few things, most of them reasonably easy, nothing much above 18 I think. On the Monday we had a few more experienced guys, and they setup a few harder climbs on the other side of the valley. We had a hard time with bolt plates, some of the bolts only fit the funny angle plates which we didn’t have many of.
There’s a really cool route that goes along and up the boulder above the river (see the 3rd pic), which would be a great lead to do one day. Pity it’s such a long drive up there!
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Posted by mike on Tuesday April 21st, 2009, tagged with climbing, photos, travel | comments disabled
Back in early March we headed up to the Blue Mountains for three days of ANUMC-fueled outdoor action.
I don’t remember why but we were busy on the Thursday, so we packed on Friday night and drove up, which was pretty epic, we got in just before midnight. Boy did I sleep well .. until 7am when we were supposed to be up!
After lots of mucking about organising things and sorting out gear, we were just about ready to head off canyoning. We drove for half an hour or so to Medlow Bath and then got a bit lost trying to find the exact right dirt track to head down. Luckily Felix and Helen knew where we were going more or less.
To start with we did Jugglers Canyon, which is not super speccy but quite nice. No swimming, but a few puddles and a waterfall abseil, so wetsuits on. The final abseil is the highlight, must be 20 odd metres free fall, and the canyon opens right out so the view is pretty impresive.
After a spot of lunch we then walked up to Grand Canyon, which is a standard with only one easy abseil. Once you’re down there’s lots of scrambling and a few swims, one reasonably long. Boy was it chilly.
I must take a tripod in future to get some decent photos inside the canyon, it’s too dark for hand held. There’s some good shots here from Tom Brennan, this one in particular.
The walk out was pretty good by canyoning standards, up the ridge on a fairly well worn path, although the start was almost impassable due to a land slide – if it slips much more the walk out could become the hardest part.
All up a great day, brilliantly led by Felix & Helen, and with impromptu singing provided by Rob.
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Posted by mike on Tuesday April 21st, 2009, tagged with outdoor, photos, travel | comments disabled
To mark the end of summer we strolled along to Corin Bank, up in the hills above Canberra. The trip there was certainly a nice contrast to Woodford – pack the car, drive for 45 minutes, we’re there 🙂
I must tip my hat to the hippy guy we saw riding up there, on some clunky old mountain bike, that’s a pretty serious ride with gear – and the bike didn’t look like it was really helping.
We were planning to camp with Sonia & crowd but couldn’t find their spot, and it seemed pretty packed where they were meant to be, so we snagged a little spot out on the edge of the camp ground with a nice view. I cleverly forgot the tent inner, but it didn’t really matter, the bugs weren’t too bad and the weather was good.
Highlights were many, but I’d have to plug Mal Webb, the Ellis Collective, the Cashews, and Darren Hanlon who did a repeat on-the-grass performance, although voluntarily this time. And all the bands I can’t remember who were tops too!
I also loved the village atmosphere, and the crowd-painted toilets. And the bike jousting was a show-stopper, not to be missed.
To close the weekend they had Archie Roach and Ruby Hunter, an odd choice I thought, but they were actually just right – singing simple heart-felt songs as the sun went down.
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Posted by mike on Tuesday April 21st, 2009, tagged with music, photos | comments disabled
.. our fish! They were our christmas present from Ange, and although we were a little nervous at first, they’re now growing happily and are very tough! They even survived over Easter just eating weed, because the “magic dissolvable food tablet” we got, didn’t.
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Posted by mike on Tuesday April 21st, 2009, tagged with fish, photos | 1 comment
Back in early Feb, right when it was super hot, we headed up to the mountains for the “Annual Mountain Weekend”. In fact it was the weekend of the Victorian fires, so perhaps camping in the bush wasn’t the best plan, but we didn’t know that then.
For a change from recent years we actually camped, which was a definite winner – although to be fair the weather was better this year than in years past. We drove up to Thredbo Diggings on Friday arvo, in fact Ange & Rohan drove us up, which was quite a treat.
On Saturday we walked up to the Kozi lookout and then off track to the west amoungst the Rams Heads. There’s some gorgeous little hidden meadows up there, we must get up there for an overnighter sometime. Not to mention lots of cool boulders for clambering on.
With the weather so nice, we spent Sunday mucking around in the river, which is usually hypothermia territory. We expanded an existing rock dam, and then some kids pulled it down, so we built it again, and then pulled it down again – lots of fun 🙂
Mum has better photos.
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Posted by mike on Tuesday April 21st, 2009, tagged with photos, travel | comments disabled
On the way back from Woodford we stayed for a couple of days in Brisie with Dan & Michelle .. and Geronimo!
We took it fairly easy, which was just what we needed. Michelle made awesome pie, and we watched the Flight of the Conchords DVD, who are also awesome.
We still squeezed in a trip to the museum and the gallery of modern art, and lunch in a cafe downtown. Then after a well earned nap, a ferry ride on the river at night, and a look-see at the very cool Kangaroo Point – I could move to Brisbane just for that!
The next day I think we drove up into the hills for ridiculous amounts of cake and views over the hinterland. Then spent some more time chilling around the house and playing with Geronimo before we flew back home. A great couple of days and a nice way to come back to earth after Woody.
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Posted by mike on Tuesday April 21st, 2009, tagged with photos, travel | 1 comment
We went to Woodford! .. nearly four months ago.
To make up for last year, which was insanely wet, it was insanely hot this year! I think I prefer it hot though. In fact it was so hot it made our tent shrink and melted Meg’s Tevas. So maybe I prefer rain?
Anyway, we had a good time as always and slobbed around for a week which would so suit me right now. We flew up which was actually really good, we didn’t have to leave on Xmas night and driver for 16 hours. Although to be fair we mooched of our friends who had driven up and took gear for us – thanks guys!
We avoided the other bad part of flying, getting back to Brisbane by bus, because a lovely random lady with a new born baby stopped on the road and gave us a lift to Caboolture – she even repacked half her boot to fit us in 🙂
Didn’t take many photos, but I did get one of Meg playing “Test Match” (remember that!) against the Woodford XI, who later went on to beat The Herd on the village green.
Despite, or perhaps because of, it being insanely hot, we had a couple of serious thunderstorms – late afternoon or early evening. In particular the night of the fire ceremony was really stormy, but just over the ridge, so we didn’t get wet, just saw stacks of lightening – so it was the fire & lightening ceremony this year.
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Posted by mike on Tuesday April 21st, 2009, tagged with photos, travel, woodford | 1 comment