Just a random thought, but if there’s anyone out there working on a language where the following is legal, and worse still actually does something useful, then stop, for all our sakes:
With thanks to the noodle meister for the gobledigook.
Posted by mike on Wednesday August 9th, 2006, tagged with nerd | comments disabled
Had a great, if not slightly drunken, time at Svetjana’s birthday drinks the other night. There was copious amounts of food, and some more of Meg’s friends for me to meet which was nice. In that order đŸ˜‰

There was also a little game called Singstar, which is freakin awesome. If you haven’t played it you’re not living.
Said game is never far from it’s owner, the unstoppable .. the Superstar .. the mechanical voicebox .. the Bryninator.

The man’s no slouch, he didn’t rack up those 8520 points singing “Mary had a Little Lamb” but rather INXS’ “Never tear us apart” .. he’s not to be messed with.
Posted by mike on Thursday July 20th, 2006, tagged with friends, music | comments disabled
Paul Wayper takes issue with the habbit kernel programmers have of #defining things as do { stuff; } while (0)
He points out that this can lead to:
if (x > y)
x = 0;
And says:
.. the exch() call completes the if statement and the call_foobar() call is executed unconditionally. Indenting in this case is worse than a sham, it actively deceives the programmer into thinking that the logic will work when it won’t.
Although I agree with his point, that mixing #defines that contain { } and if/else blocks that don’t can be dangerous, the example doesn’t actually compile. To trigger the bug you need:
if (x > y)
exch(x, y);
if (x)
x = 0;
Which after expansion of the macro looks logically like:
if (x > y) {
.. guts of exch ..
if (x)
x = 0;
So it’s still nasty, but in the trivial if/else case you are safe.
Don’t miss some more of Paul’s excellent work.
Posted by mike on Thursday July 20th, 2006, tagged with linux, nerd | comments disabled

Update: There’s another great track from Angus and Julia Stone at Triple J, it’s at the same URL as the previous track, so if you missed that one I guess it’s too late. The new one’s also nice and relaxed, although a bit less country and a little more funky.
If you’re looking to relax, check out this tune by Angus and Julia Stone, grab it from Triple J.
It might be a bit country, but hey that’s cool these days, and boy is it nice and chill.
They’ve got a bunch of other free downloads too.
Posted by mike on Thursday June 29th, 2006, tagged with music, plugs | comments disabled
The Michaels are uniting.
All bodies adorned with this name should join, as it it possibly the greatest name in the world.
The name’s meaning is "one who is like God." So if you’re godlike then this is definitely the group for you.
Come and join us .. if you meet the strict entry requirements.
Posted by mike on Thursday June 29th, 2006 | comments disabled
If, like me, you’ve always found Gnuplot a total freakin’ pain in the you know where, then you need to grab quickplot. It probably can’t do all the fancy whatsits that Gnuplot can, but for basic stuff it’s a total no brainer and just works.

If you’re a Debianista or Ubunterian you should be able to just apt-get it.
Posted by mike on Thursday June 22nd, 2006, tagged with linux, nerd, plugs | comments disabled
I couldn’t help but laugh at this:
Web Results 1 – 10 of about 227,000 for #### sucks. (0.09 seconds)
I think that a quarter-of-a-million publicly expressed opinions can
be rounded up to “everybody”.
–names changed to protect the guilty
Posted by mike on Wednesday June 14th, 2006, tagged with funny, nerd | comments disabled
If you’re wondering where the jokers over at chucknorrisfacts.com got their inspiration, check out the original … antonblanchardfacts.com.
Anton Blanchard has killed Chuck Norris, twice.
Anton Blanchard only needs one turntable and no microphone.
Anton Blanchard can dereference null pointers.
Posted by mike on Tuesday June 13th, 2006, tagged with funny, nerd, plugs | comments disabled
This has been doing the rounds, so you’ve probably seen it, but I like it.

Posted by mike on Friday June 9th, 2006, tagged with environment, funny | comments disabled
There’s some really great photos up at NASA’s image of the day. This one for example:

Don’t miss the archive either.
Posted by mike on Wednesday June 7th, 2006, tagged with plugs | comments disabled